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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take to receive my order?
    Once in the queue, it can take 8-12 weeks. Before you are placed in the queue, we will provide you an estimate on your start date. ​ Current Queue: 2 Months
  • What are you able to make?
    What can't we make? (Probably not a sea-worthy trireme) If it's made of wood and you can imagine it, we can probably make it. Comic book cabinet? Manga shelf? Tables of any sort? Maybe a vinyl credenza to show off that LP collection? We've got you covered.
  • What's up with the Collections / Store?
    Random right? It's a place for my friends and family to have fun with some interesting ideas. It has manga takes on our logo, funny fantasy band merch, and other random items. How can you not find Nine Inch Gnomes funny? My daughter in high school is an aspiring graphic design and likes to try out new ideas. I promised her comics and manga if people like her designs. Pick up $25 worth of stuff, and I'll even cover the shipping.
  • How much does custom furniture cost?
    Each piece is custom made and the price can vary greatly based on design choices (style, features, wood species, etc.). Given their popularity, we do have a pricing guide for comic book cabinets. Though not exhaustive, it should give you a ballpark idea of prices. ​ Comic Book Cabinet Pricing Guide
  • Do you deliver/ship?
    We can deliver within 90 miles from Reston, VA. Shipping is done via freight. Delivery and shipping costs are calculated separately from the cost of building the furniture.
  • How does the process work?
    After we've agreed on the design and quote, you will receive an invoice by email. Once the deposit is paid, you are in the production queue. You'll receive bi-weekly updates on the progress of the queue. When your project reaches the production phase, you will receive weekly updates on the progress. The final invoice, including the shipping/deliver costs, will be provided upon completion. Then your new custom piece will be on its way to its new home!
  • I love what you do, but I don't need a table or cabinet. How do I support what you are doing?
    That's easy! You can help in two ways. First, share our social media posts. Most of our business comes from "word of mouth." Most of our clients are people who know someone who got a piece themself. The second way is to pick something up from the Merch Shop. It's a place for my friends and family to have fun with some interesting ideas. It has manga takes on our logo, funny fantasy band merch, and other random items. How can you not find Nine Inch Gnomes funny? My daughter in high school is an aspiring graphic design and likes to try out new ideas. I promised her comics and manga if people like her designs. Pick up $25 worth of stuff, and I'll even cover the shipping. Thanks for the support!
  • How do I get a custom personalized piece?
    It's simple! Just fill out this Contact Form and we can get the conversation started.
  • Does it all have to be PG?
    Basically, it needs to be able to be worn in public and not be offensive. Won't someone think of the children?
  • How many artists will be accepted?
    To allow us to properly promote each artist, currently we are limiting it to 12. This may change in the future as we balance capacity and over saturation.
  • Can I use "Fan Art"?
    Though something can be inspired by existing works, many characters and logos are trademarked. Your work should not infringe upon that.
  • What does that 15% go to?
    It's not a big percent, but it goes to a lot of things. First and foremost, it goes to cover the hosting and maintenance costs for the site. After that it goes to marketing. Currently we have a digital marketing ad that runs on multiple Social Media platforms. In addition, we have an email/newsletter drip campaign with an open rate of over 60%. Lastly it goes to distribution costs and arrangements.
  • Are there any other costs?
    Other than the 15%? No. There are no listing fees or flat fees to cover anything.
  • Who owns the art?
    You do. Any designs you submit are yours, but are for exclusive sale on our site. If you decide to no longer offer that design through us, let us know and it will be removed within 30 days. Once removed, you are free to use or sell those designs anywhere, with the exception of designs that are derivative of our logo.
  • How frequently do you settle commissions?
    We are currently settling accounts at the end of each month for orders older than 14 days. This is to prevent any reverses due to returns.
  • How does the money work?
    How dare you ask about money! Kidding of course. Its pretty straight forward. The purpose of the program is to help artists sell their art without the hassle of running the infrastructure. Here is an example (for illustrative purposes only): ​ T-Shirt: $23 MRSP (w/free shipping to client) Shirt Cost: $8 Shipping: $6 Transaction Fee (varies by processor): $0.70 Proceeds: $8.30 Your commission (85%): $7.06
  • What kind of designs are you looking for?
    Typically, "nerd culture" or various takes on our logo. What does nerd culture mean? Anything that speaks to movies, comics, or really anything you can collect.
  • How do I apply?
    Simply fill out this contact form. I will get back to you shortly.
  • What if I decide to no longer be a contributor?
    If you decide to no longer be a contributor, just let us know and all works will be removed within 30 days. Any remaining commission will be settled on that final cycle.
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